The attitude of Finnish riding in the shape of a snowboard. Handmade in Finland

Uniqueness is our feature

The Finnish expression which the brand name stands for comes in all different tones and expressions. So does our boards. There are, and will not be, two Jumalautas that look excactly alike. Note that this feature apply only on appearance, not performance.

  • A special feature of a Jumalauta is that you will never come across another that looks excactly the same.

  • The measurements, shapes, graphic prints and decals are identical depending of make and model. Making a snowboard from scratch is a quite rigid process.

  • It is in the layup where we let fly! When the resin is spread and the music plays a bit too loud… -why not add a couple drops of dye and a pinch of chaos? This is our way to gurantee the uniqueness to your product.
    But remember it´s still only a snowboard. So go shred!

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If you have any questions about the products or just want to leave a comment, please do not hesitate to send a message